Ask Ava: PPP Loans for Cloud Services
So, you’ve heard the good news for small businesses in need of a tech upgrade? The second round of PPP loans includes forgiveness for software and cloud computing services.

Unique Education Opportunities for Avatara Employees
Avatara was founded on the guiding principle of exceptional care. From our products to our customer service—even the way we care for our employees—striving for superiority is always a priority.

Banking Industry IT Insights for 2021
The experts predict that advanced technology will be at the heart of everything banks do. If this is true, then a strong IT infrastructure will be the framework that keeps that heart beating. Want to get granular? Here’s what will make up the anatomy of successful banking technology in 2021.

CEO Update: SolarWinds & Microsoft Security Breaches
You have probably taken note of the press reports over the last few days related to major cyber-attacks and breaches at a wide range of enterprises and government entities. These attacks are sometimes known collectively as the “SolarWinds” breach.